Shop Local in Fylde loyalty card scheme launch
Pictured left to right Heidi Hopkinson, Kirkham Business Group, Michelle Cuffe, St Annes Enterprise Partnership and Suzanne Taylor, Lytham Business Partnership
The Business Group Chairs of Kirkham Business Group, Lytham Business Partnership, and St. Annes Enterprise Partnership are thrilled to announce the launch of their pan Fylde Borough Loyalty Card Scheme, building on the remarkable success of the Love to Shop scheme in Kirkham. The launch takes place amongst the buzz of activity for the annual St Annes Kite Festival this weekend.
Supported by Fylde Council, as part of business collaboration activity funded through the UK Shared Prosperity Fund, this initiative aims to connect Fylde residents, the weekday workforce, and visitors with the charm of their local high streets whilst being rewarded for their support.
The Fylde Loyalty Card scheme #ShopLocalInFylde also offers an exciting opportunity for businesses across the borough to unite and appreciate each other’s offering. Under this scheme, each town will boast its individuality while fostering community and pride in their local town, and wider in Fylde, as a place to live, shop, eat, drink and enjoy.
Printed Loyalty Cards are now available in participating businesses across Kirkham, Lytham and St Annes, and even some Fylde village shops. Businesses taking part in each town will display the scheme’s window sticker (see image). Shoppers can pick up a card from these locations and possibly receive their first stamp by making a minimum purchase of £5 in that outlet. After collecting twelve stamps, shoppers will be eligible to enter their town’s quarterly prize draw, where they could potentially win high street vouchers worth £150, £75 or £50. Shoppers in Ansdell & Fairhaven businesses can choose to stamp either their Lytham or their St Annes card.
“We believe that by working together as a united front, we can better tackle the challenges posed by online retailers and doorstep delivery services,” says Heidi Hopkinson, Chair of Kirkham Business Group and Project Lead. “Our focus is on encouraging local valued shoppers to embrace their town centres, thus creating a ripple effect on the Fylde economy and supporting our independent businesses.”
Councillor Karen Buckley, Leader of the Council, said: “This is the first time the three business groups have joined forces to deliver an activity that will highlight the superb shopping and service offerings of our high streets in Fylde. As residents and shoppers, we need to support our local businesses wherever possible. Fylde Council are working hard to assist businesses with the Loyalty Card scheme and other regeneration and economic development projects. The passion and enthusiasm demonstrated by the business groups is to be applauded for bringing this together.”
The lists of participating businesses will be accessible through posters and flyers distributed across the respective towns. Additionally, these lists will be regularly updated on the new Facebook and Instagram accounts dedicated to the scheme.
www.investinfylde.co.uk/shoplocalinfylde the official Fylde Council’s website for businesses, will include the terms and conditions of the scheme and serve as a platform for hosting the lists, alongside the scheme’s updates on Facebook and Instagram. For those who do not have access to a computer or mobile phone, copies of the terms and conditions will be available to pick up at the Town Hall in St Annes.
The first ‘live’ draws will take place on Friday 24th November between 10am and 5pm on the schemes Facebook account.
How the scheme works:
- The scheme is open to all, you do not require a mobile phone or need digital skills.
- If a shopper collects a St Annes card, then twelve St Annes stamps are needed on that card to be eligible for entry into the draw in St Annes. The Kirkham and Lytham schemes follow exactly the same process.
- Shoppers can collect a card from each of the three towns, but the cards can only be stamped in a business aligned with that town upon spending a minimum of £5 per visit, a visit being generally once a day.
- There are no limits as to how many cards can be completed by a shopper and entered into one quarter draw, per town.
- Completed cards are handed into a participating business in the town displayed on the card.
- Quarterly draws of £150, £75 and £50 of high street vouchers will take place in each town.
- Each town will have live draws on the Facebook account called ShopLocalInFylde and the lucky winners will also be contacted by telephone, or email if provided.
- The winner’s high street vouchers are redeemable at any participating business in the town displayed on the voucher, and must be spent by the next quarterly draw (an expiry date will be displayed). A shopper may give their vouchers to friends and family or others.
- Vouchers cannot be redeemed for cash, and no change given if underspending a voucher.
- The businesses will exchange these vouchers for money (with the corresponding shopper’s receipt for transparency) with their business group. There is no cost to join the scheme.
- The prize money is donated by supporting local business Sponsors, in return for a package of promotion to the scheme’s audience. This is currently £275 per quarter.
- If a shopper does not complete their card in the first quarter, they just continue shopping and gathering stamps until its completed and enter it into the next draw. Then collect a new card and start over.
The UK Shared Prosperity Fund is a central pillar of the UK government’s Levelling Up agenda and provides £2.6 billion of funding for local investment by March 2025. The Fund aims to improve pride in place and increase life chances across the UK investing in communities and place, supporting local business, and people and skills.
For more information, visit https://www.gov.uk/government/publications/uk-shared-prosperity-fund-prospectus