Department Store

Damian Clarke | Director – Stringers
How long has Stringers been located in Lytham?
Established in 1852 as a drapery store by John Naples it has been serving Lytham for 170 years. John Willian Stringer came from Bradford at the turn of the century marrying the current owner at the time William Speake’s daughter Kate, he subsequently took the business over and put his name above the door. I have found one customer who remembers her mother’s friendship with Kate Stringer.
How many people do you employ there?
We have work for around 100 people, about 80 employed directly and 20 who have contracts with suppliers.
How does being in Lytham benefit you / why Lytham and Fylde?
Lytham is of course the spiritual home of the store, the town and store have become the image of each other over the decades. Lytham is a fabulous location for us because of the close proximity of domestic property to the town centre which brings life and vibrancy, secondly because it attracts regular visitors from up to an hours travel away which helps keep the town fresh and varied.
How have you found working with Flyde Council / the schemes offered – ARG Covid Grants, ARG Shop Front and Empty Premises Schemes and Events Scheme.
We received grants for enforced closure from FBC who administered the scheme brilliantly. They were on top of the admin and keen to apply the grant funding as quickly as possible without unnecessary red tape. Fantastic! Allan and all the officers are easily accessible and always looking to help.
“Lytham and Fylde is a wonderful place to both live and do business. It has a strong and engaged local population and the coastal location makes it refreshing and restorative which is so important for life balance these days. It has a full portfolio of business types and sizes and an engaged local authority in Fylde Borough Council who are pro-business. It takes an hour to travel to Liverpool and Manchester and London is easily accessed via rail.”